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Womex 2024 : back in pictures

The Zone Franche stand wel­comed its mem­bers and their meet­ings dur­ing the 4 days of the 2023 show.

Key fig­ures :
#1 “Advo­ca­cy Sum­mit” work­ing meet­ing attend­ed by some 50 inter­na­tion­al pro­fes­sion­als
#16 stands, includ­ing 12 shared by 22 mem­ber struc­tures in the Zone Franche area
#90 accred­it­ed mem­bers, i.e. some 70 struc­tures.
#2 x 2h speed-meet­ings with 10 pro­gram­mers from France and abroad, i.e. 50 meet­ings per day.
#1 tra­di­tion­al aper­i­tif in the net­work’s col­ors, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Busi­ness France and the Cen­tre Nation­al de la Musique, attend­ed by around a hun­dred peo­ple
#11 show­cas­es of artists pro­duced by net­work mem­bers.

Here’s a look back at some seri­ous, heart-warm­ing moments :

Advocacy summit

Speed-meetings on the Zone Franche stand

Aperitif on the Zone Franche stand


Video down­load