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Visa For Music — November 20 to 23, Rabat (Morocco)

Zone Franche renews its sup­port for Visa For Musica trade show and mem­ber of Zone Franche, which will hold its 11th edi­tion in Rabat from Novem­ber 20 to 23. The first pan-African trade show brings togeth­er numer­ous music pro­fes­sion­als from Africa and around the world. It’s a win­dow onto new mar­kets for artists lucky enough to be select­ed. This year, sev­er­al of them are pro­duced by Zone Franche mem­bers.

Zone Franche’s par­tic­i­pa­tion in Visa For Music will be an oppor­tu­ni­ty for the team to meet its mem­bers on the African con­ti­nent and orga­nize struc­tur­ing meet­ings, and to pro­pose the fol­low­ing round table :

Intra-African mobility of artists and music professionals : current situation, obstacles and solutions

Numer­ous fac­tors lim­it, or even pre­vent, the free move­ment of artists and pro­fes­sion­als on the African con­ti­nent : while they are often “exter­nal” (visas, trans­port costs, etc.) and beyond the con­trol of the pro­fes­sion­als them­selves, oth­ers can some­times be over­come by them.
How can the music indus­try act col­lec­tive­ly to facil­i­tate the mobil­i­ty of artists and pro­fes­sion­als ? What exper­i­ments have already been car­ried out, and what were the results ? What can be done about the prob­lems of visas, trans­port, etc.? Is there noth­ing we can do about visas, and if so, how ? What solu­tions have been put in place to pro­vide eco­nom­ic sup­port for the move­ment of artists and pro­fes­sion­als ?
At this con­fer­ence, we’ll look at the solu­tions to be devised and the advo­ca­cy to be car­ried out to ensure the free cir­cu­la­tion of artists and music pro­fes­sion­als on the con­ti­nent.



Awa­di, an icon­ic Sene­galese musi­cian, is famous for his social and polit­i­cal com­mit­ment through hip-hop. His songs tack­le themes such as social jus­tice, edu­ca­tion and peace, and sup­port youth empow­er­ment through cul­ture.





Abdra­mane Kamate is a grad­u­ate of Uni­ver­sité Paris IX Dauphine PSL (Man­age­ment of Cul­tur­al Insti­tu­tions) and Uni­ver­sité Paris 1 — La Sor­bonne (Polit­i­cal Sci­ence).
He began his career at the French Cul­tur­al Cen­ter in Abid­jan as region­al coor­di­na­tor for the West African zone, in charge of artis­tic and cin­e­mato­graph­ic projects. He has man­aged var­i­ous cul­tur­al insti­tu­tions, includ­ing the French Insti­tutes in Sene­gal — Saint Louis site, Côte d’Ivoire, Chad and Indone­sia (2018–2021). He was also cul­tur­al attaché at the French Embassy in Indone­sia.
Return­ing to the Insti­tut Français de Paris in 2021, he takes charge of the ACP-EU Cul­ture pro­gram for West Africa, whose dual aim is to boost the com­pet­i­tive­nesś of the cul­tur­al and cre­ative indus­tries (CCI) and sup­port the devel­op­ment of the dig­i­tal econ­o­my in the 16 coun­tries of the region. He is cur­rent­ly Gen­er­al Man­ag­er of MASA in Abid­jan.


Ghi­ta Khal­di is direc­tor of cul­tur­al projects and founder of the Moroc­can NGO Afrikay­na, for inter­cul­tur­al exchange, devel­op­ment and coop­er­a­tion in Africa.
In this con­text, she con­ceives, writes and directs numer­ous pro­grams for artis­tic dis­sem­i­na­tion, train­ing, coop­er­a­tion and co-pro­duc­tion, includ­ing the first Moroc­can fund for artis­tic mobil­i­ty in Africa : “Africa Art Lines”.
Ghi­ta has been in charge of coor­di­nat­ing and pro­duc­ing the L’boule­vard Fes­ti­val in Casablan­ca since 2014.
She is involved as an expert/consultant for var­i­ous pro­grams such as IFCD-UNESCO and INGO Cul­ture & Devel­op­ment.
She recent­ly found­ed the South-Sawt agency, spe­cial­ized in cul­tur­al engi­neer­ing and con­sult­ing.
Actor-Direc­tor/­Cul­tur­al Oper­a­tor, Pierre Claver Mabi­ala is the ini­tia­tor of major cul­tur­al projects in Con­go and Africa : Espace Cul­turel YARO (train­ing, pro­duc­tion and artis­tic dis­tri­b­u­tion), Fes­ti­val Inter­na­tion­al des Musiques et des Arts N’SANGU NDJI-NDJI, TUDUMUKAANU (1st Pro­gram on the struc­tur­ing of cul­tur­al orga­ni­za­tions in Con­go), RAAC (la Route de l’Artiste en Afrique Cen­trale ‑car­tog­ra­phy of cul­tur­al actors and road cir­cuits to rein­force the cir­cu­la­tion of artists in Cen­tral Africa).

Exec­u­tive Sec­re­tary of the Con­seil Africain de la Musique (CAM) since April 2024, he is very involved in sev­er­al col­lab­o­ra­tions with cul­tur­al struc­tures on the con­ti­nent and in Europe.



Based in Dakar since 2014, Camille Seck is one of the found­ing mem­bers of KAANI, a cul­tur­al asso­ci­a­tion with an entre­pre­neur­ial and cre­ative vision that works main­ly in the music sec­tor. Through her struc­ture, Camille par­tic­i­pates in the dynamism of the Cul­tur­al and Cre­ative Indus­tries in Sene­gal with the orga­ni­za­tion of major and inno­v­a­tive events (Elec­trAfrique, Open­ing of Black Rock, Dakar Music Expo…), the man­age­ment of musi­cal projects fol­low­ing the exam­ple of Guiss Guiss Bou Bess and the host­ing of inter­na­tion­al artists (Yo-Yo Ma, Casey, GUTS…).

An expert con­sul­tant in ICCs, Camille has been teach­ing per­form­ing arts actors through­out French-speak­ing Africa the fol­low­ing mod­ules since 2019 : Event orga­ni­za­tion, cul­tur­al entre­pre­neur­ship, artis­tic career devel­op­ment.

Artists pro­duced by Zone Franche mem­bers and select­ed at Visa For Music