
World Music


VHSS and alert cells /
member support

vhss cell (cellulehf@zonefranche.Com)

By 2022, we will have set up a mon­i­tor­ing and guid­ance unit for the pre­ven­tion of sex­ist behav­ior, harass­ment and vio­lence of a sex­u­al nature, aimed at our employ­ees and mem­bers of the asso­ci­a­tion (peo­ple employed by or under con­tract with a mem­ber of the Zone Franche net­work).

It is made up of one employ­ee from the team and one admin­is­tra­tor from the asso­ci­a­tion. Its aim is to make it eas­i­er to lis­ten to peo­ple, whether vic­tims or wit­ness­es, and to direct them towards appro­pri­ate resources and ser­vices, pro­mot­ing dia­logue, respect and pro­tec­tion.

Cellule d’alerte, de soutien et d’echanges entre pairs (entraide@zonefranche.Com)

The net­work sup­ports its mem­bers in any unique sit­u­a­tion that puts their activ­i­ties at risk, whether the issue is local or nation­al, admin­is­tra­tive or polit­i­cal, ami­ca­ble or con­tentious, indi­vid­ual or col­lec­tive, etc…

Depend­ing on the sit­u­a­tion, sup­port may be pro­vid­ed direct­ly by the salaried team ; in oth­er cas­es, it may involve the net­work as such tak­ing a stand, or through exchanges between peers (with an “expert” mem­ber com­ing to the aid of some­one in dif­fi­cul­ty).